Issue 26, 2020

A conductive 1D high-nucleus silver polymer as a brilliant non-hybrid supercapacitor electrode


A one dimensional high-nucleus silver polymer (SSc: silver supercapacitor) was designed by a simple and single-step synthesis. This stable highly conductive metallic polymer without any modification steps such as pyrolysis or doping provides a desirable path for electron transfer and shows high capacitance as a non-hybrid electrode (specific capacitance of 827 F g−1 at 5 A g−1). This polymer could tolerate low to high scan rates (200 mV s−1 to 1 V s−1) and exhibit rectangular cyclic voltammetry shapes, high power density and long cycle life over 5000 cycles (90.7%). These results could promise the development of new types of high-performance supercapacitors by overcoming the low conductivity and the limited capacity challenges of known structures without the need for any modification which is unique in non-hybrid electrode materials.

Graphical abstract: A conductive 1D high-nucleus silver polymer as a brilliant non-hybrid supercapacitor electrode

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Article information

Article type
19 Apr 2020
08 Jun 2020
First published
10 Jun 2020

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020,8, 12975-12983

A conductive 1D high-nucleus silver polymer as a brilliant non-hybrid supercapacitor electrode

K. Liu, F. Rouhani, H. Moghanni-Bavil-Olyaei, X. Wei, X. Gao, J. Li, X. Yan, M. Hu and A. Morsali, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 12975 DOI: 10.1039/D0TA04199H

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