Issue 34, 2020

Programming stiff inflatable shells from planar patterned fabrics


Lack of stiffness often limits thin shape-shifting structures to small scales. The large in-plane transformations required to distort the metrics are indeed commonly achieved by using soft hydrogels or elastomers. We introduce here a versatile single-step method to shape-program stiff inflated structures, opening the door for numerous large scale applications, ranging from space deployable structures to emergency shelters. This technique relies on channel patterns obtained by heat-sealing superimposed flat quasi-inextensible fabric sheets. Inflating channels induces an anisotropic in-plane contraction and thus a possible change of Gaussian curvature. Seam lines, which act as a director field for the in-plane deformation, encode the shape of the deployed structure. We present three patterning methods to quantitatively and analytically program shells with non-Euclidean metrics. In addition to shapes, we describe with scaling laws the mechanical properties of the inflated structures. Large deployed structures can resist their weight, substantially broadening the palette of applications.

Graphical abstract: Programming stiff inflatable shells from planar patterned fabrics

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2020
16 Jul 2020
First published
24 Jul 2020

Soft Matter, 2020,16, 7898-7903

Programming stiff inflatable shells from planar patterned fabrics

E. Siéfert, E. Reyssat, J. Bico and B. Roman, Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 7898 DOI: 10.1039/D0SM01041C

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