Issue 35, 2020

Architecture transition of supramolecular polymers through hierarchical self-assembly: from supramolecular polymers to fluorescent materials


In this work, three different monomers AB2, C2, and TP4 were synthesized. AB2 + C2 could self-assemble to form a supramolecular hyperbranched polymer (SHP1) based on crown ether-based host–guest interaction. Upon adding TP4 into the solution of SHP1, SHP1 transformed into a higher molecular weight supramolecular cross-linked polymer (SCP1), accompanied by a dramatic fluorescence emission enhancement due to the aggregation of the tetraphenyl ethylene core induced by supramolecular polymerization. A supramolecular gel with blue fluorescence emission was generated when the concentration of SCP1 exceeded 64 mM. Adding/removing K+ or heating/cooling the gel could realize reversible gel–sol transition, accompanied by the decrease or enhancement of the fluorescence emission intensity. Moreover, the supramolecular gel with AIE properties showed excellent self-repairing capability.

Graphical abstract: Architecture transition of supramolecular polymers through hierarchical self-assembly: from supramolecular polymers to fluorescent materials

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Jun 2020
29 Jul 2020
First published
30 Jul 2020

Polym. Chem., 2020,11, 5642-5648

Architecture transition of supramolecular polymers through hierarchical self-assembly: from supramolecular polymers to fluorescent materials

R. Li, W. Chen, Y. Yang, H. Li, F. Xu, Z. Duan, T. Liang, H. Wen and W. Tian, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 5642 DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00829J

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