Issue 18, 2020

Electrical molecular switch addressed by chemical stimuli


We demonstrate that the conductance switching of benzo-bis(imidazole) molecules upon protonation depends on the lateral functional groups. The protonated H-substituted molecule shows a higher conductance than the neutral one (Gpro > Gneu), while the opposite (Gneu > Gpro) is observed for a molecule laterally functionalized by amino-phenyl groups. These results are demonstrated at various scale lengths: self-assembled monolayers, tiny nanodot-molecule junctions and single molecules. From ab initio theoretical calculations, we conclude that for the H-substituted molecule, the result Gpro > Gneu is correctly explained by a reduction of the LUMO–HOMO gap, while for the amino-phenyl functionnalized molecule, the result Gneu > Gpro is consistent with a shift of the HOMO, which reduces the density of states at the Fermi energy.

Graphical abstract: Electrical molecular switch addressed by chemical stimuli

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Article information

Article type
27 Mar 2020
21 Apr 2020
First published
22 Apr 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 10127-10139

Electrical molecular switch addressed by chemical stimuli

H. Audi, Y. Viero, N. Alwhaibi, Z. Chen, M. Iazykov, A. Heynderickx, F. Xiao, D. Guérin, C. Krzeminski, I. M. Grace, C. J. Lambert, O. Siri, D. Vuillaume, S. Lenfant and H. Klein, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10127 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR02461A

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