Issue 6, 2020

Isolating strong nanoantenna–molecule interactions by ensemble-level single-molecule detection


Traditionally, the nanoscale interaction between single photon emitters and plasmonic nanostructures is studied by relying on deterministic, near-perfect, nanoscale-control, either top-down or bottom-up. However, these approaches are ultra-low throughput thus rendering systematic studies difficult and time-consuming. Here, we show a highly parallelised far-field tactic, combining multiplexed super-resolution fluorescence localization microscopy and data-driven statistical analysis, to study near-field interactions between gold nanorods and single molecules, even at bulk concentrations. We demonstrate that ensemble-level single molecule detection allows separating individual emitters according to their coupling strength with tailored resonant structures, which ultimately permits the reconstruction of super-resolved 2D interaction maps around individual nanoantennas.

Graphical abstract: Isolating strong nanoantenna–molecule interactions by ensemble-level single-molecule detection

Article information

Article type
15 Oct 2019
16 Jan 2020
First published
20 Jan 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 3723-3730

Isolating strong nanoantenna–molecule interactions by ensemble-level single-molecule detection

L. Saemisch, M. Liebel and N. F. van Hulst, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 3723 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR08833D

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