Issue 8, 2020

A novel T-C3N and seawater desalination


A structurally stable stacked multilayer carbonitride is predicted with the aid of ab initio calculations. This carbonitride consists of C3N tetrahedra, and is similar to T-carbon and thus named T-C3N. Its 2-dimensional (2D) monolayer is also carefully investigated in this work. The studies on electronic properties reveal that bulk and 2D T-C3N are insulators with a 5.542 eV indirect band gap and a 5.741 eV direct band gap, respectively. However, the monolayer T-C3N exhibits an excellent uniform porosity. Its 5.50 Å pore size is perfect for water nanofiltration. The adsorption and permeation of water molecules on the monolayer T-C3N are investigated. Its promising potential application in highly efficient nanofiltration membranes for seawater desalination is discussed.

Graphical abstract: A novel T-C3N and seawater desalination

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Sep 2019
29 Jan 2020
First published
30 Jan 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 5055-5066

A novel T-C3N and seawater desalination

J. Zhou, L. Li, C. Fu, J. Wang, P. Fu, C. Kong, F. Bai, R. I. Eglitis, H. Zhang and R. Jia, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 5055 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR08108A

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