Issue 23, 2020

Chromatographically separable ruffled non-planar isomeric octaalkylporphycenes: consequences of unsymmetrical substitution upon structure and photophysical properties


We herein report the first synthesis of two unsymmetrically substituted novel porphycenes, i.e. 2,7,12,13-tetraethyl-9,10,19,20-tetramethyl (OAPo-T) and 2,3,16,17-tetraethyl-9,10,19,20-tetramethyl (OAPo-C) porphycenes, via reductive McMurry coupling of unsymmetrically substituted diacylbipyrrole and isolated them by thin layer chromatography. They exhibit good solubility with a ruffled nonplanar structure and unique photophysical properties, including two photon absorbance.

Graphical abstract: Chromatographically separable ruffled non-planar isomeric octaalkylporphycenes: consequences of unsymmetrical substitution upon structure and photophysical properties

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Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2020
25 May 2020
First published
26 May 2020

New J. Chem., 2020,44, 9616-9620

Chromatographically separable ruffled non-planar isomeric octaalkylporphycenes: consequences of unsymmetrical substitution upon structure and photophysical properties

N. N. Pati, S. Sahoo, S. S. Sahoo, D. Banerjee, S. V. Rao and P. K. Panda, New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 9616 DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01744B

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