Issue 7, 2020

A mixed polyanion NaFe1−x(VO)xPO4 glass-ceramic cathode system for safe and large-scale economic Na-ion battery applications


In this paper, highly efficient mixed polyanion NaFe1−x(VO)xPO4 series of glass-ceramic cathode samples have been synthesized for use in sodium-ion batteries with good specific capacity and capacity retention. Electrochemical experiments show that the best-conducting NaFe0.5(VO)0.5PO4 (x = 0.5 mol%) glass-ceramic sample delivers the highest capacity for both the 1st and 20th cycles since it exhibits two distinct voltage plateaus (3.2 V and 2.8 V, respectively) together with a discharge capacity retention (69.66%) even at 10C compared with all the other investigated samples. These desirable results related to electrochemical performance make the mixed polyanion NaFe1−x(VO)xPO4 series of glass-ceramic cathode networks suitable for large-scale economic sodium-ion battery applications.

Graphical abstract: A mixed polyanion NaFe1−x(VO)xPO4 glass-ceramic cathode system for safe and large-scale economic Na-ion battery applications

Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2019
15 Jan 2020
First published
15 Jan 2020

New J. Chem., 2020,44, 2897-2906

A mixed polyanion NaFe1−x(VO)xPO4 glass-ceramic cathode system for safe and large-scale economic Na-ion battery applications

S. Gandi, V. K. Katta, D. P. Dutta and B. R. Ravuri, New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 2897 DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ05684J

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