Issue 1, 2020

Lipid mechanisms in hallmarks of cancer


Excess adiposity is a risk factor for several cancer types. This is likely due to complex mechanisms including alterations in the lipid milieu that plays a pivotal role in multiple aspects of carcinogenesis. Here we consider the direct role of lipids in regulating well-known hallmarks of cancer. Furthermore, we suggest that obesity-associated remodelling of membranes and organelles drives cancer cell proliferation and invasion. Identification of cancer-related lipid-mediated mechanisms amongst the broad metabolic disturbances due to excess adiposity is central to the identification of novel and more efficacious prevention and intervention strategies.

Graphical abstract: Lipid mechanisms in hallmarks of cancer

Article information

Article type
Review Article
13 Aug 2019
14 Nov 2019
First published
14 Nov 2019

Mol. Omics, 2020,16, 6-18

Lipid mechanisms in hallmarks of cancer

J. Molendijk, H. Robinson, Z. Djuric and M. M. Hill, Mol. Omics, 2020, 16, 6 DOI: 10.1039/C9MO00128J

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