Issue 1, 2020

Modular design of a trap-and-atomizer device with a gold absorber for selenium collection after hydride generation


A novel design of a device serving to trap hydrides and to volatilize the analyte to be detected by atomic absorption spectrometry, a modular trap-and-atomizer device, was invented to allow a simple replacement of the inlet arm which serves as the trap. A device with a gold wire absorber was employed for selenium collection. The relevant experimental conditions (hydrogen flow rate, trapping temperature and volatilization temperature) were optimized by using 75Se radiotracer experiments and atomic absorption spectrometry experiments. A lossless Se collection was achieved. Two arrangements of the trap were tested to maximize the signal/noise ratio. A limit of detection of 7 pg ml−1 was found for the optimum arrangement. Results of analysis of certified reference materials TMRAIN-04 and SRM 1643e provided good accuracy and precision. Interference of several hydride forming elements was characterized. The modular design appears to be promising for collection of other hydride forming elements.

Graphical abstract: Modular design of a trap-and-atomizer device with a gold absorber for selenium collection after hydride generation

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
22 Aug 2019
21 Nov 2019
First published
21 Nov 2019

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 107-116

Modular design of a trap-and-atomizer device with a gold absorber for selenium collection after hydride generation

I. Machado, D. Vaněk, S. Musil, M. Pistón, J. Dědina and J. Kratzer, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020, 35, 107 DOI: 10.1039/C9JA00290A

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