Issue 48, 2020

In situ synchrotron radiation investigation of V2O5–Nb2O5 metastable compounds: transformational kinetics at high temperatures with a new structural solution for the orthorhombic V4Nb20O60 phase


Due to the considerable interest in vanadium niobium oxides as a lithium storage material, the kinetics and transformation processes of the V2O5–5Nb2O5 system have been investigated by in situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. The diffraction data after the thermal treatments selected with a view on the most significant features were supplemented with specific ex situ experiments conducted using a laboratory rotating anode X-ray diffractometer. The morphological changes of the mixed powders assuming an amorphous and nanocrystalline solid solution structure as a function of the temperature were inspected by scanning electron microscopy observations. The structural solution of the powder diffraction pattern of the phase recorded in situ at a temperature of about 700 °C was compatible with an orthorhombic crystal structure with the space group Amm2. The obtained lattice parameters for this structure were a = 3.965 Å; b = 17.395 Å, c = 17.742 Å, and the cell composition was V4Nb20O60, Pearson symbol oA84, and density = 4.10 g cm−3. In this structure, while the niobium atoms may be four-, five-, and six-fold coordinated by oxygen atoms, the vanadium atoms were six-fold or seven-fold coordinated. At the temperature of 800 °C and just above, the selected 1 : 2 and 1 : 3 V2O5–Nb2O5 compositions, respectively, returned mostly a tetragonal VNb9O25 phase, in line with earlier observations conducted for determination of the stability phase diagram of such quasi-binary systems.

Graphical abstract: In situ synchrotron radiation investigation of V2O5–Nb2O5 metastable compounds: transformational kinetics at high temperatures with a new structural solution for the orthorhombic V4Nb20O60 phase

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Article information

Article type
05 Oct 2020
07 Nov 2020
First published
09 Nov 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 17584-17593

In situ synchrotron radiation investigation of V2O5–Nb2O5 metastable compounds: transformational kinetics at high temperatures with a new structural solution for the orthorhombic V4Nb20O60 phase

L. Caggiu, A. Iacomini, C. Pistidda, V. Farina, N. Senes, H. Cao, E. Gavini, G. Mulas, S. Garroni and S. Enzo, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 17584 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03426F

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