Issue 30, 2020

Molybdenum–titanium oxo-cluster, an efficient electrochemical catalyst for the facile preparation of black titanium dioxide film


Black-TiO2 has become increasingly interesting as a promising photoactive material. Most of the preparations for black-TiO2 involve either high temperature calcination, plasma, lengthy chemical reactions or dealing with dangerous or toxic chemicals. We found, by accident, that Mo–Ti oxo-clusters are efficient catalysts for the hydrogenation of a TiO2 electrode to black-TiO2 at room temperature. A series of Mo–Ti oxo-clusters, [Ti4Mo4O10(OR)14(X-BA)2] (BA = benzoate, X = H (1), F (2), Cl (3), and Br (4)), were prepared and were characterized by crystallography. They have a Mo4Ti4 structure with Mo(V)–Mo(V) metal–metal interactions. The activated hydrogen (H*) generated by electrochemically catalytic water splitting turns the TiO2 electrode to black-TiO2 at room temperature, due to the reduction of Ti(IV) to H+Ti(III). The potentials applied for water reduction must generally be higher than the overpotential at the TiO2 electrode (−1.0 V vs. RHE). In this work, the onset potential of hydrogen evolution significantly decreased to −0.1 V vs. RHE. Using this blackened 1-TiO2 electrode, the effective electrochemical catalytic degradation of a dye was examined in comparison with the degradation using the white TiO2 electrode. This work provides a method for the facile preparation of a black-TiO2 film, and is a step forward in black-TiO2 research.

Graphical abstract: Molybdenum–titanium oxo-cluster, an efficient electrochemical catalyst for the facile preparation of black titanium dioxide film

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Article information

Article type
01 Jun 2020
08 Jul 2020
First published
21 Jul 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 10516-10522

Molybdenum–titanium oxo-cluster, an efficient electrochemical catalyst for the facile preparation of black titanium dioxide film

L. Yang, X. Shu, M. Fu, H. Wang, Q. Zhu and J. Dai, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 10516 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01959C

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