Issue 2, 2020

The reduction potential of the slipped GC base pair in one-electron oxidized duplex DNA


Redox equilibrium between the low potential aniline radical cation and the guanine in the GC base pair of duplex DNA has been established using pulse radiolysis. We relate the measurement of a radical one-electron reduction potential, E0′, of 1.01 ± 0.03 V to the perturbation of the GC base pair to accommodate the neutral guanyl radical in an energetically more stable ‘slipped’ structure. The formation of the ‘slipped’ structure is exothermic by −11.4 kcal mol−1 as calculated by DFT, which is inline with our experimental results.

Graphical abstract: The reduction potential of the slipped GC base pair in one-electron oxidized duplex DNA

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Article information

Article type
11 Oct 2019
02 Dec 2019
First published
02 Dec 2019

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,22, 642-646

The reduction potential of the slipped GC base pair in one-electron oxidized duplex DNA

R. F. Anderson, S. S. Shinde, A. Maroz and J. Reynisson, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 642 DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05544D

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