Issue 90, 2020

Unfolding multi-stranded perylene bisimide LC columns – a mesogen design for efficient nanoscale multilayer self-assembly


A mesogen tethered, twofold bay-substituted perylene bisimide (PBI) is found to generate a columnar phase, which unfolds and gradually transforms to a completely nanosegregated multilayer columnar–lamellar liquid crystal. The structure is based on the formation of bundles of H-bonded PBI strands in the central layer. This design opens the way to new complex multifunctional materials.

Graphical abstract: Unfolding multi-stranded perylene bisimide LC columns – a mesogen design for efficient nanoscale multilayer self-assembly

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Article information

Article type
25 Sep 2020
16 Oct 2020
First published
16 Oct 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 14015-14018

Unfolding multi-stranded perylene bisimide LC columns – a mesogen design for efficient nanoscale multilayer self-assembly

M. Lehmann, M. Hecht, S. Herbst, K. Cui and F. Würthner, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 14015 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC06458K

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