Issue 64, 2020

Mutual correlation evaluation of Cys and Hcy in serum through reaction activity regulated fluorescence quantification


We report herein a strategy involving using a single fluorescent probe with the assistance of two pH conditions to simultaneously detect cysteine and homocysteine quantitatively. The concentrations of Cys and Hcy in human serum samples were found to display a positive correlation, which might promote a further understanding of thiol-related diseases.

Graphical abstract: Mutual correlation evaluation of Cys and Hcy in serum through reaction activity regulated fluorescence quantification

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 May 2020
26 Jun 2020
First published
29 Jun 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 9146-9149

Mutual correlation evaluation of Cys and Hcy in serum through reaction activity regulated fluorescence quantification

Y. Yue, F. Huo, Y. Wang, K. Ma, X. Li and C. Yin, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 9146 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC03457F

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