Issue 48, 2020

All-metal σ-antiaromaticity in dimeric cluster anion {[CuGe9Mes]2}4−


In this work, we report a dimeric cluster anion, {[CuGe9Mes]2}4−, which was isolated as the [K(2,2,2-crypt)]+ salt and characterized by using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and ESI mass spectroscopy. The title cluster represents the first locally σ-antiaromatic compound in the solid state, as well as the first heteroatomic antiaromatic compound.

Graphical abstract: All-metal σ-antiaromaticity in dimeric cluster anion {[CuGe9Mes]2}4−

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Apr 2020
05 May 2020
First published
11 May 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 6583-6586

Author version available

All-metal σ-antiaromaticity in dimeric cluster anion {[CuGe9Mes]2}4−

Z. Wang, N. V. Tkachenko, L. Qiao, E. Matito, A. Muñoz-Castro, A. I. Boldyrev and Z. Sun, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 6583 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02525A

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