Issue 43, 2020

Strain release – an old tool for new transformations


Strain-release driven transformations give access to attractive bioisosteric motifs highly prized by medicinal chemists and they are characteristic of molecules possessing distorted bond lengths and angles. By broadening the chemical space in drug discovery, recently, these compounds have attracted a lot of interest. Their reactivity stems mainly from an increased energy and destabilization. As a result, the opening of the bridging bond occurs under the action of both nucleophiles and electrophiles as well as radical species and transition metals. Though the bridge bond dominates their reactivity, it is also influenced by the substitution pattern. This feature article focuses on strain-release driven strategies paying particular attention to the most recent (year > 2010) advances.

Graphical abstract: Strain release – an old tool for new transformations

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
07 Mar 2020
24 Apr 2020
First published
24 Apr 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 5718-5734

Strain release – an old tool for new transformations

J. Turkowska, J. Durka and D. Gryko, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 5718 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01771J

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