Issue 23, 2019

Solar-blind ultraviolet photodetection of an α-Ga2O3 nanorod array based on photoelectrochemical self-powered detectors with a simple, newly-designed structure


A novel photoelectrochemical self-powered detector using a newly designed counter electrode as the light-receiving surface is applied to a hydrothermally synthesized α-Ga2O3 nanorod array to realize the detection of solar-blind ultraviolet light with wavelengths below 300 nm and fast response (rise time of 0.076 s and decay time of 0.056 s).

Graphical abstract: Solar-blind ultraviolet photodetection of an α-Ga2O3 nanorod array based on photoelectrochemical self-powered detectors with a simple, newly-designed structure

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Article information

Article type
15 Mar 2019
15 May 2019
First published
16 May 2019

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019,7, 6867-6871

Solar-blind ultraviolet photodetection of an α-Ga2O3 nanorod array based on photoelectrochemical self-powered detectors with a simple, newly-designed structure

J. Zhang, S. Jiao, D. Wang, S. Ni, S. Gao and J. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 6867 DOI: 10.1039/C9TC01417A

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