Issue 31, 2019

Stereoselective total synthesis of parthenolides indicates target selectivity for tubulin carboxypeptidase activity


The 2-(silyloxymethyl)allylboration of aldehydes was established to enable stereoselective access to α-(exo)-methylene γ-butyrolactones under mild conditions. Acid-labile functionality and chiral carbonyl compounds are tolerated. Excellent asymmetric induction was observed for β,β′-disubstituted α,β-epoxy aldehydes. These findings led to the enantioselective total synthesis of the sesquiterpene natural product (−)-parthenolide, its unnatural (+)-enantiomer, and diastereoisomers. Among all the isomers tested in cell culture, only (−)-parthenolide showed potent inhibition of microtubule detyrosination in living cells, confirming its exquisite selectivity on tubulin carboxypeptidase activity. On the other hand, the anti-inflammatory activity of the parthenolides was weaker and less selective with regard to compound stereochemistry.

Graphical abstract: Stereoselective total synthesis of parthenolides indicates target selectivity for tubulin carboxypeptidase activity

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Article type
Edge Article
25 Mar 2019
14 Jun 2019
First published
26 Jun 2019
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2019,10, 7358-7364

Stereoselective total synthesis of parthenolides indicates target selectivity for tubulin carboxypeptidase activity

R. R. A. Freund, P. Gobrecht, Z. Rao, J. Gerstmeier, R. Schlosser, H. Görls, O. Werz, D. Fischer and H. Arndt, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 7358 DOI: 10.1039/C9SC01473J

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