Issue 25, 2019

Diiron oxo reactivity in a weak-field environment


Concomitant deprotonation and metalation of a dinucleating cofacial Pacman dipyrrin ligand platform tBudmxH2 with Fe2(Mes)4 results in formation of a diiron complex (tBudmx)Fe2(Mes)2. Treatment of (tBudmx)Fe2(Mes)2 with one equivalent of water yields the diiron μ-oxo complex (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O) and free mesitylene. A two-electron oxidation of (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O) gives rise to the diferric complex (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O)Cl2, and one-electron reduction from this FeIIIFeIII state allows for isolation of a mixed-valent species [Cp2Co][(tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O)Cl2]. Both (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O) and [Cp2Co][(tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O)Cl2] exhibit basic character at the bridging oxygen atom and can be protonated using weak acids to form bridging diferrous hydroxide species. The basicity of the diferrous oxo (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O) is quantified through studies of the pKa of its conjugate acid, [(tBudmx)Fe2(μ-OH)]+, which is determined to be 15.3(6); interestingly, upon coordination of neutral solvent ligands to yield (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O)(thf)2, the basicity is increased as observed through an increase in the pKa of the conjugate acid [(tBudmx)Fe2(μ-OH)(thf)2]+ to 26.8(6). In contrast, attempts to synthesize a diferric bridging hydroxide by two-electron oxidation of [(tBudmx)Fe2(μ-OH)(thf)2]+ resulted in isolation of (tBudmx)Fe2(μ-O)Cl2 with concomitant loss of a proton, consistent with the pKa of the conjugate acid [(tBudmx)Fe2(μ-OH)Cl2]+ determined computationally to be −1.8(6). The foregoing results highlight the intricate interplay between oxidation state and reactivity in diiron μ-oxo units.

Graphical abstract: Diiron oxo reactivity in a weak-field environment

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Article type
Edge Article
02 Feb 2019
08 May 2019
First published
09 May 2019
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2019,10, 6304-6310

Diiron oxo reactivity in a weak-field environment

E. J. Johnson, C. Kleinlein, R. A. Musgrave and T. A. Betley, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 6304 DOI: 10.1039/C9SC00605B

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