Issue 21, 2019

Effect of ion form of the ion-exchange resin on ε-poly-l-lysine purification from microbial fermentation broth


ε-Poly-L-lysine (ε-PL) is an added-value natural product with widespread application in the fields of food, pharmaceuticals and biopolymer materials. However, the high production cost reduces its application. To improve the efficiency of ε-PL purification for decreasing the cost of downstream processes, the ion form of the ion-exchange resin, which is widely used for ε-PL purification, was investigated systematically in this study. Among eleven cation-exchange resins tested, the Amberlite IRC-50 resin offered the best adsorption capability and the highest desorption ratio. The adsorption kinetics of IRC-50 resin with H+, Na+ and NH4+ ion forms followed a pseudo-second-order model. The dynamic adsorption and desorption parameters of ε-PL were optimized with a column packed with IRC-50 resin with Na+ and NH4+. It is suggested that NH4+ is the optimal ion form of IRC-50 resin for ε-PL extraction. Under optimal conditions, the IRC-50 resin with NH4+ achieved the highest ε-PL adsorption capability, purity and recovery ratio of 307.96 mg g−1, 76.52% and 96.2%, respectively. After further purification, a final ε-PL purity of 97.10% was achieved with a total recovery ratio of 66.01%. This is the first report on improving the ε-PL purification efficiency through optimizing the ion form of the ion-exchange resin. Moreover, it would offer guidance for other natural product recovery processes by ion-exchange chromatography.

Graphical abstract: Effect of ion form of the ion-exchange resin on ε-poly-l-lysine purification from microbial fermentation broth

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Article type
20 Jan 2019
07 Apr 2019
First published
17 Apr 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 12174-12181

Effect of ion form of the ion-exchange resin on ε-poly-L-lysine purification from microbial fermentation broth

X. Chen, Q. Li, H. He, J. Zhang and Z. Mao, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 12174 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA00493A

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