Issue 12, 2019

Non-scrambling of hydrogen in NH4+(H2O)3 clusters


We have measured the metastable decay of protonated, ammonia-doped, deuterated water clusters produced in an electrospray source, dn-NH4+(H2O)3, n = 0–6. The mass spectra show a very strong odd–even effect, consistent with a low degree of scrambling of the hydrogen bound to water and to the ammonia. The relative evaporation rate constant for light water was almost twice the one for heavy water, with the rate for mixed protium–deuterium water molecule intermediate between these two values.

Graphical abstract: Non-scrambling of hydrogen in NH4+(H2O)3 clusters

Article information

Article type
23 Dec 2018
18 Feb 2019
First published
26 Feb 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 6620-6626

Non-scrambling of hydrogen in NH4+(H2O)3 clusters

K. Hansen, A. E. K. Sundén, K. Støchkel, S. B. Nielsen and B. Dynefors, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 6620 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA10515D

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