Issue 45, 2019

Dynamic covalent chemistry in polymer networks: a mechanistic perspective


The incorporation of dynamic covalent linkages within and between polymer chains brings new properties to classical thermosetting polymer formulations, in particular in terms of thermal responses, processing options and intrinsic recycling abilities. Thus, in recent years, there has been a rapidly growing interest in the design and synthesis of monomers and cross-linkers that can be used as robust but at the same time reactive organic building blocks for dynamic polymer networks. In this perspective, a selection of such chemistries is highlighted, with a particular focus on the reaction mechanisms of molecular network rearrangements, and on how various mechanistic profiles can be related to the mechanical and physicochemical properties of polymer materials, in particular in relation with vitrimers, the recently defined third category of polymer materials. The recent advances in this area are not only expected to help direct promising emerging polymer applications, but also point towards the need for a better fundamental understanding of chemical reactivity within a macromolecular context.

Graphical abstract: Dynamic covalent chemistry in polymer networks: a mechanistic perspective

Article information

Article type
20 Aug 2019
16 Oct 2019
First published
16 Oct 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Polym. Chem., 2019,10, 6091-6108

Dynamic covalent chemistry in polymer networks: a mechanistic perspective

J. M. Winne, L. Leibler and F. E. Du Prez, Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 6091 DOI: 10.1039/C9PY01260E

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