Issue 36, 2019

Single-phase alkylammonium cesium lead iodide quasi-2D perovskites for color-tunable and spectrum-stable red LEDs


While red is one of the primary colors for display applications, the investigation of visible red emitting perovskites, particularly 2D perovskites, is relatively limited. In this work, we demonstrate a single-phase Ruddlesden–Popper quasi-2D (C3H7NH3)2CsPb2I7 perovskite for red color LEDs. Through increasing the annealing temperature of (C3H7NH3)2CsPb2I7 perovskite thin films, we have successfully achieved tunable emission wavelengths from 654 to 691 nm. Equally important, for all the quasi-2D perovskite LEDs, once the annealing temperature is fixed, the emission spectrum is independent of bias voltages, which is very important for their use in lighting and displays. With the analysis of the crystallinity, morphology, and thermodynamic stability of the quasi-2D perovskite, we find that the obtained (C3H7NH3)2CsPb2I7 perovskite is a single-phase quasi-2D perovskite with only n = 2 phase. Besides, we found that the red shifting of emission wavelength is caused by the increase of perovskite crystal size while increasing the annealing temperature. Our results also show that the temperature-induced color tunability can be applied to a series of quasi-2D perovskites with different alkylammonium cations. Importantly, we find that short alkylammonium spacers offer better electrical properties for efficient current transport and high performance in LED applications. This work contributes to controlling the optoelectronic properties of quasi-2D perovskites via controlling their crystal growth as well as paves the way to realize practical lighting and display applications of perovskite LEDs.

Graphical abstract: Single-phase alkylammonium cesium lead iodide quasi-2D perovskites for color-tunable and spectrum-stable red LEDs

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Article information

Article type
28 Mar 2019
10 Aug 2019
First published
14 Aug 2019

Nanoscale, 2019,11, 16907-16918

Single-phase alkylammonium cesium lead iodide quasi-2D perovskites for color-tunable and spectrum-stable red LEDs

H. Lin, J. Mao, M. Qin, Z. Song, W. Yin, X. Lu and W. C. H. Choy, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 16907 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR02706H

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