Issue 17, 2019

Electrochemical oxidative cyclization of activated alkynes with diselenides or disulfides: access to functionalized coumarins or quinolinones


A direct electrochemical oxidative cyclization of alkynoates and alkynamides with diselenides or disulfides for the synthesis of coumarins and quinolinones bearing a chalcogen functional group has been developed. This green and efficient approach was realized through a constant current electrolysis in an undivided cell under metal-free and oxidant-free conditions. Moreover, a series of selenium/sulfur-substituted coumarin and quinolinone products were obtained in moderate to good yields with a broad scope and functional group tolerance.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical oxidative cyclization of activated alkynes with diselenides or disulfides: access to functionalized coumarins or quinolinones

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Article information

Article type
25 Jun 2019
01 Aug 2019
First published
01 Aug 2019

Green Chem., 2019,21, 4706-4711

Electrochemical oxidative cyclization of activated alkynes with diselenides or disulfides: access to functionalized coumarins or quinolinones

J. Hua, Z. Fang, J. Xu, M. Bian, C. Liu, W. He, N. Zhu, Z. Yang and K. Guo, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 4706 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC02131K

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