Issue 46, 2019

The impact of metal cations on the photochemical properties of hybrid heterostructures with infinite alkaline-earth metal oxide clusters


Donor–acceptor (D–A) hybrid heterostructures are an emerging class of hybrid complexes with potential applications in current optoelectronic technologies. To achieve high photoinduced charge-carrier generation and separation in a heterostructure, a common strategy is the fabrication of continuous or bicontinuous structures by the crystallization of semiconductive donor and acceptor tectons at the molecular level. So far, only a few such heterostructures have been fabricated, most of which involve unstable and narrow band gap metal halides. In this paper, we extended these unique hybrid heterostructures to continuous alkaline-earth metal oxide clusters. The combination of the naphthalene diimide (NDI) tecton bearing four carboxylates at two extremities with Ca2+ (or Sr2+) cations led to two isostructural D–A hybrid heterostructures with infinite 1-D carbon-doped alkaline-earth metal oxide clusters and X-aggregated NDI dimers as electron donors and acceptors, respectively. Due to the different metal cations in inorganic clusters, they exhibited diametrically opposite photochromic sensitivities and photocatalytic activities. To better rationalize them, a plausible photoinduced electron transfer process for the D–A hybrid heterostructures with photoactive acceptors has been developed.

Graphical abstract: The impact of metal cations on the photochemical properties of hybrid heterostructures with infinite alkaline-earth metal oxide clusters

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Oct 2019
30 Oct 2019
First published
05 Nov 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 17381-17387

The impact of metal cations on the photochemical properties of hybrid heterostructures with infinite alkaline-earth metal oxide clusters

M. You, M. Li, H. Li, Y. Chen and M. Lin, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 17381 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT04104D

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