Issue 90, 2019

Covalent organic frameworks from a monomer with reduced symmetry: polymorphism and Sierpiński triangles


We report on the synthesis of a covalent organic framework based on the low-symmetry 1,3-benzenediboronic acid precursor. Two distinct polymorphs are obtained, a honeycomb network and Sierpiński triangles, as elucidated by scanning tunneling microscopy. Control over polymorph formation was achieved by varying the precursor concentration for on-surface synthesis.

Graphical abstract: Covalent organic frameworks from a monomer with reduced symmetry: polymorphism and Sierpiński triangles

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Article information

Article type
22 Jul 2019
16 Oct 2019
First published
17 Oct 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 13586-13589

Covalent organic frameworks from a monomer with reduced symmetry: polymorphism and Sierpiński triangles

D. Cui, Y. Fang, O. MacLean, D. F. Perepichka, F. Rosei and S. Clair, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 13586 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC05674B

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