Issue 87, 2019

A PANI supported lipid bilayer that contains NhaA transporter proteins provides a basis for a biomimetic biocapacitor


We designed a supported lipid bilayer (SLB) biomimetic membrane system that comprised polyaniline (PANI) to support a lipid bilayer membrane that incorporated Na+/H+ transporter proteins (NhaA) to give the system the capability of controllable electrogenic ion transport. The high turnover rate of NhaA (∼105 per min) provides the basis for this PANI-SLB-NhaA system to be a high-speed rechargeable biocapacitor that functions as a low-energy-consuming fast switch for biological engineering applications.

Graphical abstract: A PANI supported lipid bilayer that contains NhaA transporter proteins provides a basis for a biomimetic biocapacitor

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Article information

Article type
18 Jul 2019
09 Oct 2019
First published
09 Oct 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 13152-13155

A PANI supported lipid bilayer that contains NhaA transporter proteins provides a basis for a biomimetic biocapacitor

A. Ben Tahar, A. Zebda, J. Alcaraz, L. Gayet, A. Boualam, P. Cinquin and D. K. Martin, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 13152 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC05569J

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