Issue 75, 2019

Methane functionalization in water with micellar catalysis


The functionalization of methane in water as the reaction medium (where it is nearly insoluble) at room temperature using micellar catalysis is described. Aggregates are formed from surfactant molecules and act as methane concentrators, also trapping the catalyst (a silver-based complex) and the diazo reagent (ethyl diazoacetate, EDA), providing yields of ethyl propionate up to 14% (referred to as EDA). This is the first example of methane being functionalized in water at room temperature.

Graphical abstract: Methane functionalization in water with micellar catalysis

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Article information

Article type
15 Jul 2019
14 Aug 2019
First published
14 Aug 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 11243-11246

Methane functionalization in water with micellar catalysis

R. Gava, P. Ballestín, A. Prieto, A. Caballero and P. J. Pérez, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 11243 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC05449A

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