Issue 61, 2019

Short-range ordering in a battery electrode, the ‘cation-disordered’ rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2


Cation order, with a local structure related to γ-LiFeO2, is observed in the nominally cation-disordered Li-excess rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2via X-ray diffraction, neutron pair distribution function analysis, magnetic susceptibility and NMR spectroscopy. The correlation length of ordering depends on synthesis conditions and has implications for the electrochemistry of these phases.

Graphical abstract: Short-range ordering in a battery electrode, the ‘cation-disordered’ rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2

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Article information

Article type
03 Jun 2019
02 Jul 2019
First published
04 Jul 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 9027-9030

Author version available

Short-range ordering in a battery electrode, the ‘cation-disordered’ rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2

M. A. Jones, P. J. Reeves, I. D. Seymour, M. J. Cliffe, S. E. Dutton and C. P. Grey, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 9027 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC04250D

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