Issue 19, 2019

Homochiral iron(ii)-based metal–organic nanotubes: metamagnetism and selective nitric oxide adsorption in a confined channel


Homochiral iron(II)-based nanotubular metal phosphonates (R)- and (S)-[Fe(pemp)(H2O)2] [pemp2− = (R)- or (S)-(1-phenylethylamino)methylphosphonate] are reported showing metamagnetism at low temperature. The dehydrated product features coordinatively unsaturated and redox-active metal ion sites that enable it to strongly bind nitric oxide at room temperature.

Graphical abstract: Homochiral iron(ii)-based metal–organic nanotubes: metamagnetism and selective nitric oxide adsorption in a confined channel

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Article information

Article type
20 Jan 2019
04 Feb 2019
First published
08 Feb 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 2825-2828

Homochiral iron(II)-based metal–organic nanotubes: metamagnetism and selective nitric oxide adsorption in a confined channel

J. Jia, J. Feng, X. Huang, S. Bao and L. Zheng, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 2825 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC00506D

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