Issue 21, 2019

Flow-chemistry enabled efficient synthesis of β-peptides: backbone topology vs. helix formation


Enantiodiscriminative helix formation was observed for β-peptide H14 helices. This observation is caused by the synperiplanar orientation of H–O atoms which is more unfavorable than those for H–H interaction. The 1,2 H–O interaction leads to the destruction of the helical structure. The introduction of a double C–C bond in the backbone rules out helix formation.

Graphical abstract: Flow-chemistry enabled efficient synthesis of β-peptides: backbone topology vs. helix formation

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Article information

Article type
22 Dec 2018
25 Jan 2019
First published
25 Jan 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 3061-3064

Flow-chemistry enabled efficient synthesis of β-peptides: backbone topology vs. helix formation

I. Nekkaa, D. Bogdán, T. Gáti, S. Béni, T. Juhász, M. Palkó, G. Paragi, G. K. Tóth, F. Fülöp and I. M. Mándity, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 3061 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC10147G

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