Issue 16, 2019

Dual stimuli-responsive bispillar[5]arene-based nanoparticles for precisely selective drug delivery in cancer cells


Paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles based on a bispillar[5]arene compound were successfully developed using a microemulsion method for the first time. The nanoparticles exhibited dual stimuli-responsiveness towards both spermine and glutathione, allowing precisely selective drug release in lung cancer cells that overexpress both stimuli.

Graphical abstract: Dual stimuli-responsive bispillar[5]arene-based nanoparticles for precisely selective drug delivery in cancer cells

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Nov 2018
29 Jan 2019
First published
29 Jan 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 2340-2343

Dual stimuli-responsive bispillar[5]arene-based nanoparticles for precisely selective drug delivery in cancer cells

Q. Cheng, K. Teng, Y. Ding, L. Yue, Q. Yang and R. Wang, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 2340 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC09432B

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