Issue 4, 2019

Ultrafast Na intercalation chemistry of Na2Ti3/2Mn1/2(PO4)3 nanodots planted in a carbon matrix as a low cost anode for aqueous sodium-ion batteries


Na2Ti3/2Mn1/2(PO4)3 nanodots uniformly planted in a carbon matrix are reported for the first time as a promising low-cost anode for aqueous sodium-ion batteries, showing ultrafast Na-intercalation chemistry with stable capacities of 78.8 mA h g−1 at 0.5C and 65.1 mA h g−1 at 10C, and a capacity retention of 93% after 200 cycles.

Graphical abstract: Ultrafast Na intercalation chemistry of Na2Ti3/2Mn1/2(PO4)3 nanodots planted in a carbon matrix as a low cost anode for aqueous sodium-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
24 Sep 2018
06 Dec 2018
First published
06 Dec 2018

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 509-512

Ultrafast Na intercalation chemistry of Na2Ti3/2Mn1/2(PO4)3 nanodots planted in a carbon matrix as a low cost anode for aqueous sodium-ion batteries

P. Lei, K. Liu, X. Wan, D. Luo and X. Xiang, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 509 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC07668E

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