Issue 19, 2019

Continuous flow/waste-minimized synthesis of benzoxazoles catalysed by heterogeneous manganese systems


Herein, we present our results on the development of a waste minimized protocol for the synthesis of 2-arylbenzoxazoles in continuous flow. Manganese-based heterogeneous catalysts were used in combination with cyclopentylmethyl ether as an environmentally friendly and safe reaction medium. The use of oxygen promotes the oxidative process ensuring at the same time a complete regeneration of the catalyst adopting a flow configuration which does not include the use of an additional mechanical pump. These features allowed for a faster synthesis compared to batch procedures with minimal metal leaching.

Graphical abstract: Continuous flow/waste-minimized synthesis of benzoxazoles catalysed by heterogeneous manganese systems

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Article information

Article type
15 May 2019
19 Aug 2019
First published
02 Sep 2019

Green Chem., 2019,21, 5298-5305

Continuous flow/waste-minimized synthesis of benzoxazoles catalysed by heterogeneous manganese systems

F. Ferlin, M. K. van der Hulst, S. Santoro, D. Lanari and L. Vaccaro, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 5298 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC01641D

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