Issue 17, 2018

A refractory metamaterial absorber for ultra-broadband, omnidirectional and polarization-independent absorption in the UV-NIR spectrum


In this paper, efficient ultra-broadband absorption from ultraviolet (UV) to near infrared (NIR) is achieved using a metamaterial perfect absorber (MPA) with refractory constituents. Both simulated and experimental results indicate that this proposed MPA exhibits an average absorption over 95% at wavelengths ranging from 200 nm to 900 nm. Besides, owing to the ultrathin thickness and symmetrical topology of this device, it exhibits great angular tolerance up to 60° independent of the incident polarizations. Excellent thermal stability is also demonstrated at high operation temperatures. The physical origin of the ultra-broadband characteristics is mainly based on diffraction/interference engineering at short wavelengths and the anti-reflection effect at long wavelengths. We believe that such a device may find potential applications ranging from photodetection and photothermal energy conversion to ultraviolet protection and thermophotovoltaics.

Graphical abstract: A refractory metamaterial absorber for ultra-broadband, omnidirectional and polarization-independent absorption in the UV-NIR spectrum

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Mar 2018
02 Apr 2018
First published
02 Apr 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 8298-8303

A refractory metamaterial absorber for ultra-broadband, omnidirectional and polarization-independent absorption in the UV-NIR spectrum

Y. Huang, L. Liu, M. Pu, X. Li, X. Ma and X. Luo, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 8298 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR01728J

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