Issue 3, 2019

Control over coordination self-assembly of flexible, multidentate ligands by stepwise metal coordination of isopyrazole subunits


Structurally flexible oligoisopyrazole molecules were self-assembled into discrete complexes with structural diversity upon palladium coordination. Structural convergence was controlled by a stoichiometry change to induce stepwise metal coordination of isopyrazole subunits. Three different types of complexes were selectively generated from a diisopyrazole ligand. Furthermore, tetraisopyrazole ligands were quantitatively assembled into a discrete complex in a predictable manner.

Graphical abstract: Control over coordination self-assembly of flexible, multidentate ligands by stepwise metal coordination of isopyrazole subunits

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Dec 2018
17 Dec 2018
First published
18 Dec 2018

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 818-822

Control over coordination self-assembly of flexible, multidentate ligands by stepwise metal coordination of isopyrazole subunits

Y. Ashida, Y. Manabe, S. Yoshioka, T. Yoneda and Y. Inokuma, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 818 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT04935A

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