Issue 38, 2018

Spin–orbit coupling induced spin polarized valley states in SrRuO3/BiIrO3 heterostructures


The electronic properties of SrRuO3/BiIrO3 superlattices are investigated by first-principles calculations with spin–orbit coupling. The results show that the strength of hybridization near the Fermi level is dependent on the distance between the closest transition metal Ru and Ir atoms. We find that both spin and valley polarizations in bilayered BiIrO3 are achieved in Bi-terminated models. Furthermore, different stacking patterns can modulate the magnitude and sign of valley polarization and switch the p- or n-type doping of bilayered BiIrO3. Meanwhile, a spin-down polarized valley polarization of 79.5 meV can be induced in bilayered SrRuO3. The different thicknesses calculated demonstrate that the valley in the SrRuO3/BiIrO3 model is limited to the bilayered structure. The tunable valley and spin polarizations in SrRuO3/BiIrO3 superlattices would enrich the diversity and boost the development of high-performance spintronic and valleytronic devices.

Graphical abstract: Spin–orbit coupling induced spin polarized valley states in SrRuO3/BiIrO3 heterostructures

Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2018
05 Sep 2018
First published
05 Sep 2018

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 24768-24774

Spin–orbit coupling induced spin polarized valley states in SrRuO3/BiIrO3 heterostructures

Y. Ji, X. Wang and W. Mi, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 24768 DOI: 10.1039/C8CP04336A

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