Issue 38, 2018

Chemical, structural and photovoltaic properties of graded CdSxSe1−x thin films grown by chemical bath deposition on GaAs(100)


Cd(S,Se) films are direct band gap ternary semiconductors that can harvest photoenergy in an energy range from 2.42 eV (CdS) to 1.74 eV (CdSe). Growth of these films using chemical bath deposition (CBD) is advantageous due to low production costs and the ability to easily control the initial bath composition. In this work, the chemical, structural and photovoltaic properties of Cd(S,Se) solid solution thin films deposited on GaAs(100) are presented. Chemically graded films were formed by controlling the initial anion concentrations in the bath, which affect the nucleation and growth of the films. The films are polycrystalline in nature, with a thin zinc blende layer formed directly on the GaAs substrate, on top of which a highly oriented nano-columnar layer of wurtzite Cd(S,Se) is obtained. The photovoltaic properties of CBD CdS films show 2.9% conversion efficiency, while increasing the selenide content in the films decreases the conversion efficiency.

Graphical abstract: Chemical, structural and photovoltaic properties of graded CdSxSe1−x thin films grown by chemical bath deposition on GaAs(100)

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Jul 2018
03 Sep 2018
First published
03 Sep 2018

CrystEngComm, 2018,20, 5735-5743

Chemical, structural and photovoltaic properties of graded CdSxSe1−x thin films grown by chemical bath deposition on GaAs(100)

O. Friedman, O. Moschovitz and Y. Golan, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 5735 DOI: 10.1039/C8CE01163J

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