Issue 4, 2018

Facile surfactant- and template-free synthesis and luminescence properties of needle-like calcite CaCO3:Eu3+ phosphors


Needle-like CaCO3:Eu3+ calcite phosphors have been successfully synthesized by a simple carbonization method in an ethylene glycol–H2O system without using any surfactant, catalyst, or template. The as-obtained samples were characterized by means of XRD, FT-IR, SEM, TEM, HRTEM, SAED, and PL techniques. The XRD and FT-IR results demonstrate that the product is a pure calcite phase. The SEM and TEM images indicate that the morphology of the as-prepared calcite CaCO3:Eu3+ nanoparticles is needle-like. The possible formation mechanism of the needle-like CaCO3:Eu3+ calcite has been proposed based on a series of pH-dependent experiments. The needle-like CaCO3:Eu3+ calcite nanoparticles exhibit much stronger red emission under UV light excitation than cubic and spindle-like CaCO3:Eu3+ calcite nanoparticles.

Graphical abstract: Facile surfactant- and template-free synthesis and luminescence properties of needle-like calcite CaCO3:Eu3+ phosphors

Article information

Article type
27 Aug 2017
11 Dec 2017
First published
13 Dec 2017

CrystEngComm, 2018,20, 496-504

Facile surfactant- and template-free synthesis and luminescence properties of needle-like calcite CaCO3:Eu3+ phosphors

Y. Dai, H. Zou, H. Zhu, X. Zhou, Y. Song, K. Zheng, Z. Shi and Y. Sheng, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 496 DOI: 10.1039/C7CE01554B

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