Issue 84, 2018

Low catalytic activity of the Cu(ii)-binding motif (Xxx-Zzz-His; ATCUN) in reactive oxygen species production and inhibition by the Cu(i)-chelator BCS


The catalytic redox activity of Cu(II) bound to the motif NH2–Xxx-Zzz-His (ATCUN) with ascorbate and H2O2/O2 is very low and can be stopped via Cu(I)-chelation. This impacts its application as an artificial Cu–enzyme to degrade biomolecules via production of reactive oxygen species in a Cu(I)-chelator rich environment like the cytosol.

Graphical abstract: Low catalytic activity of the Cu(ii)-binding motif (Xxx-Zzz-His; ATCUN) in reactive oxygen species production and inhibition by the Cu(i)-chelator BCS

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Article information

Article type
25 Jul 2018
27 Sep 2018
First published
01 Oct 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 11945-11948

Low catalytic activity of the Cu(II)-binding motif (Xxx-Zzz-His; ATCUN) in reactive oxygen species production and inhibition by the Cu(I)-chelator BCS

A. Santoro, G. Walke, B. Vileno, P. P. Kulkarni, L. Raibaut and P. Faller, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 11945 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC06040A

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