Issue 6, 2017

Phase behaviour and temperature-responsive properties of a gemini surfactant/Brij-30/water system


The phase behaviour of a ternary system composed of cationic gemini surfactant 2-hydroxypropyl-1,3-bis(myristyldimethylammonium chloride) (14-3(OH)-14(2Cl)), nonionic surfactant polyoxyethylene laurel ether (C12H25(OCH2CH2)10OH, Brij-30) and H2O was studied and its phase diagram was determined. In several different phase regions identified in the phase diagram, the viscoelastic worm-like micellar solution region was investigated. The focus of the investigation was the increase in the viscosity of the micellar solution with the temperature and the Brij-30 content, as suggested by a partial region of the triangular phase diagram. With an increase in the Brij-30 content or temperature, one-dimensional micellar growth occurred, and a maximum appeared in the zero-shear viscosity, η0, versus Brij-30 content or temperature curves; this was true for mixed solutions containing 14-3(OH)-14(2Cl) and Brij-30 in different mass ratios (WBrij-30/W14-3(OH)-14(2Cl)). After the maximum point, the decrease in viscosity is the result of the micellar shortening in the size with Brij-30 content and of the micellar branching in the network structure with temperature. This rheological analysis was performed to investigate the structural changes in different solutions as well as the effects of various factors on micellar growth. Various techniques were used to study the phase-transition processes occurring in this system, including cryogenic transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, and differential scanning calorimetry. The transition mechanisms of the aggregates were analysed on the basis of the obtained results.

Graphical abstract: Phase behaviour and temperature-responsive properties of a gemini surfactant/Brij-30/water system

Article information

Article type
25 Nov 2016
04 Jan 2017
First published
05 Jan 2017

Soft Matter, 2017,13, 1171-1181

Phase behaviour and temperature-responsive properties of a gemini surfactant/Brij-30/water system

C. Han, Y. Guo, X. Chen, M. Yao, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang and X. Wei, Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 1171 DOI: 10.1039/C6SM02654K

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