Issue 15, 2017

Alternating and random-sequence polyesters with distinct physical properties


Polymers with controlled sequence can exhibit unique properties and functions compared to their random counterparts. While many methodologies have been utilized to synthesize sequence-controlled polymers, there is still a strong need to build a fundamental understanding of sequence–property correlations. Here we report the design and development of an alternating pendant-functionalized polyester and compare it to a random polyester of the same composition. Our results showed that such polyesters exhibit distinct physical properties compared to their random counterparts. It was found that polyesters with controlled alternating sequences are less ductile and exhibit higher Young's modulus compared to random polyesters. The alternating and random polyesters showed distinctly different hydrolytic degradation profiles. Fluorescence quenching studies showed that the sequence of the polyesters influences their ability to interact with fluoride ions. These interesting results suggest that polyesters with alternating pendant groups exhibit unique properties and would allow access to different applications.

Graphical abstract: Alternating and random-sequence polyesters with distinct physical properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Jan 2017
27 Mar 2017
First published
27 Mar 2017

Polym. Chem., 2017,8, 2397-2404

Alternating and random-sequence polyesters with distinct physical properties

C. Peng and A. Joy, Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 2397 DOI: 10.1039/C7PY00165G

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