Issue 4, 2017

Monomer design strategies to create natural product-based polymer materials


Covering: 2010–Aug. 2016

In an effort towards enhancing function and sustainability, natural products have become of interest in the field of polymer chemistry. This review details the blending of chemistries developed through synthetic organic chemistry and polymer chemistry. Through synthetic organic chemical transformations, such as functional group interconversion, a protection/deprotection series, or installation of a functional group, various designs towards novel, synthetic, bio-based polymer systems are described. This review covers several classifications of natural products – oils and fatty acids, terpenes, lignin, and sugar derivatives – focusing on exploring monomers prepared by one or more synthetic steps.

Graphical abstract: Monomer design strategies to create natural product-based polymer materials

Article information

Article type
Review Article
04 Nov 2016
First published
14 Mar 2017

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2017,34, 433-459

Monomer design strategies to create natural product-based polymer materials

S. L. Kristufek, K. T. Wacker, Y. T. Tsao, L. Su and K. L. Wooley, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2017, 34, 433 DOI: 10.1039/C6NP00112B

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