Issue 18, 2017

Electrostatic interaction driven gold nanoparticle assembly on three-dimensional triangular pyramid DNA nanostructures


Here we show that well-defined three dimensional DNA nanostructures can be synthesized from branched DNAs via hybridization and enzymatic ligation. The fabricated triangular pyramid DNA has been employed as a template for assembly of AuNPs. The electrostatic attraction between DNA structures and AuNPs has shown nonspecific assembly behavior and allowed the plasmonic absorption peaks of the assembled nanocomposites to be tuned from visible to near infrared by simple control of the mixing ratio.

Graphical abstract: Electrostatic interaction driven gold nanoparticle assembly on three-dimensional triangular pyramid DNA nanostructures

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Article information

Article type
02 Jun 2017
05 Aug 2017
First published
07 Aug 2017

New J. Chem., 2017,41, 9590-9593

Electrostatic interaction driven gold nanoparticle assembly on three-dimensional triangular pyramid DNA nanostructures

J. Song, S. Park, S. Kim, K. Im and N. Park, New J. Chem., 2017, 41, 9590 DOI: 10.1039/C7NJ01944K

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