Issue 23, 2017

Highly selective sp3 C–N bond activation of tertiary anilines modulated by steric and thermodynamic factors


A highly selective sp3 C–N cleavage of tertiary anilines was achieved using the TBN/TEMPO catalyst system. When N,N-diaklylanilines (alkyl, benzyl) were employed, the N–CH3 bond was selectively cleaved via radical C–H activation. Moreover, when the allyl group was installed, totally reverse selectivity was observed. It is worth noting that the solvent effect is also crucial to obtain high reaction efficiency and selectivity.

Graphical abstract: Highly selective sp3 C–N bond activation of tertiary anilines modulated by steric and thermodynamic factors

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Article information

Article type
12 Sep 2017
01 Nov 2017
First published
01 Nov 2017

Green Chem., 2017,19, 5568-5574

Highly selective sp3 C–N bond activation of tertiary anilines modulated by steric and thermodynamic factors

X. Jia, P. Li, Y. Shao, Y. Yuan, H. Ji, W. Hou, X. Liu and X. Zhang, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 5568 DOI: 10.1039/C7GC02775C

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