Issue 19, 2017

Exceptional control on physical properties of a polymeric material through alcoholic solvent-mediated environment-friendly Michael addition reaction


Alcoholic solvents that are used as media for environment-friendly Michael addition reaction are strategically exploited to control various physical properties of a polymeric material, including shrinkage, flexibility and special wettability: adhesive and ultra-non-adhesive superhydrophobicity. An appropriate selection of the alcoholic solvent provided the material with highly flexible, durable and moldable superhydrophobic monolith, which can be even physically deformed (75%) repetitively without any negative impact on its physical or chemical integrity.

Graphical abstract: Exceptional control on physical properties of a polymeric material through alcoholic solvent-mediated environment-friendly Michael addition reaction

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Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2017
23 Aug 2017
First published
23 Aug 2017

Green Chem., 2017,19, 4527-4532

Exceptional control on physical properties of a polymeric material through alcoholic solvent-mediated environment-friendly Michael addition reaction

A. M. Rather, N. Jana, S. Begum, H. K. Srivastava and U. Manna, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 4527 DOI: 10.1039/C7GC02286G

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