Issue 3, 2017

The impact of solvent relative permittivity on the dimerisation of organic molecules well below their solubility limits: examples from brewed coffee and beyond


The formation of aqueous intermolecular dimers is governed by both the nature and strength of the intermolecular interactions and the entropy of dissolution. The former interaction energies are determined by the polarity of the solvent and the functionality of the solute. Using quantum chemical methods, we probe the energetics of dimer formation of representative compounds found in coffee well below their solubility limits. We find that with the exclusion of entropy, the dimer formation is thermodynamically unfavorable with negligible dependence on the dielectric medium.

Graphical abstract: The impact of solvent relative permittivity on the dimerisation of organic molecules well below their solubility limits: examples from brewed coffee and beyond

Article information

Article type
14 Dec 2016
21 Jan 2017
First published
23 Jan 2017

Food Funct., 2017,8, 1037-1042

The impact of solvent relative permittivity on the dimerisation of organic molecules well below their solubility limits: examples from brewed coffee and beyond

E. S. Bradley and C. H. Hendon, Food Funct., 2017, 8, 1037 DOI: 10.1039/C6FO01796G

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