Issue 38, 2017

A cobalt(ii)heteroarylalkenolate precursor for homogeneous Co3O4 coatings by atomic layer deposition


We present a new and efficient cobalt precursor, CoII(DMOCHCOCF3)2, to prepare Co3O4 thin films and conformal coatings. In the synthesis of this Co complex, heteroaryl moieties and CF3-groups were combined leading to the precursor with high thermal stability and volatility. The suitability of this precursor for ALD deposition was tested on flat silicon substrates and TiO2/C nanofibers upon process optimization. Deposition at 200 °C results in homogeneous and smooth Co3O4 thin films with a growth rate of 0.02 nm per cycle. Conformal coatings have been successfully obtained on TiO2/C nanofibers, making them an attractive platform for surface chemistry studies on high aspect ratio structures for future photocatalysts, sensors, supercapacitors and batteries.

Graphical abstract: A cobalt(ii)heteroarylalkenolate precursor for homogeneous Co3O4 coatings by atomic layer deposition

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Jul 2017
01 Sep 2017
First published
01 Sep 2017

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 12996-13001

A cobalt(II)heteroarylalkenolate precursor for homogeneous Co3O4 coatings by atomic layer deposition

M. Büyükyazi, T. Fischer, P. Yu, M. Coll and S. Mathur, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 12996 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT02757E

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