Issue 48, 2017

Polymorphism in crystals of bis(4-bromophenyl)fumaronitrile through vapour phase growth


Polymorphic selectivity within crystals grown via physical vapour transport (PVT) is dependent on the thermodynamic stabilities of differing molecular conformations and the kinetic regime within the growth apparatus. Crystals of bis(4-bromophenyl)fumaronitrile have been grown for the first time via this method, with the formation of both the conventional polymorph and a new, unforseen polymorph. Analysis suggests that the conventional form is less thermodynamically stable, with this form crystallising at higher temperature than the newly discovered form due to the release of binding energy of intermolecular interactions during the growth process. Fluorometry reveals the new form to exhibit weaker, red-shifted fluorescence emission owing to greater intermolecular π–π overlap.

Graphical abstract: Polymorphism in crystals of bis(4-bromophenyl)fumaronitrile through vapour phase growth

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Article information

Article type
24 Aug 2017
10 Oct 2017
First published
17 Oct 2017

CrystEngComm, 2017,19, 7223-7228

Polymorphism in crystals of bis(4-bromophenyl)fumaronitrile through vapour phase growth

T. T. Jensen, J. Potticary, L. R. Terry, H. E. Bruce Macdonald, J. G. Brandenburg and S. R. Hall, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 7223 DOI: 10.1039/C7CE01543G

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